< script type = " text/javascript " > Ext.onReady( function (){ new Ext.TabPanel({ renderTo: Ext.getBody(), width: 300 , height: 200 , enableTabScroll: true , activeTab: 0 , items: [{ title: " 面板1 " ,html: " <h1>this is the first panel!</h1> " }, { closable : true , title: " 面板2 " , html: " <h1>this is the second panel!</h1> " }, { closable : true , title: " 面板3 " , html: " <h1>this is the third panel!</h1> " }] }); }); < / script> 上面的代码定义了一个简单的选项面板,该面板中包含三个tab,初始化时显示第一个tab内容。
< head > < meta http - equiv = " description " content = " This is my page " > <!-- 引入ExtJS样式文件 --> < link rel = " stylesheet " type = " text/css " href = " <%=request.getContextPath() %>/ext-3.2.0/resources/css/ext-all.css "/ > <!-- 引入ExtJS脚本库(两个,一个驱动adapter,另外一个ext - all.js) --> < script type = " text/javascript " src = " <%=request.getContextPath() %>/ext-3.2.0/adapter/ext/ext-base.js " >< / script> < script type = " text/javascript " src = " <%=request.getContextPath() %>/ext-3.2.0/ext-all.js " >< / script> < script type = " text/javascript " > Ext.onReady( function (){ new Ext.TabPanel({ applyTo: ' test ' , activeTab: 0 , deferredRender: false , autoTabs: true }); }); < / script> < / head> < body > < div id = " test " > < div class = " x-tab " title = " 选项1 " > A simple tab < / div> < div class = " x-tab " title = " 选项2 " > Another one < / div> < div title = " 选项3 " > < div class = " x-tab " title = " 选项4 " > Another one < / div> < / div> < / div> < / body> 由于“选项3”这个DIV标签的class不是x-tab所以不会转换成选项卡Tab,而“选项4”这个DIV虽然与“选项1”这些节点不在同一个层次,但仍然会把他作为Tab项来同等处理。
< script type = " text/javascript " > Ext.onReady( function (){ var i = 0 ; var tab = new Ext.TabPanel({ renderTo: Ext.getBody(), width: 500 , height: 200 , enableTabScroll: true , activeTab: 0 , bbar:[{ text: " 添加 " , handler: function (){ tab.add({ title: " 新面板 " + i ++ , closable : true }); } }], items:[{ title: " 面板1 " , html: " <h1>this is the first panel!</h1> " }, { closable : true , title: " 面板2 " , html: " <h1>this is the second panel!</h1> " },{ closable : true , title: " 面板3 " , html: " <h1>this is the third panel!</h1> " }] }); }); < / script> 添加按钮的事件响应函数内容如下:
tab.add({title:"新面板"+i++,closable : true});
{ text: " 关闭所有面板 " , handler: function (){ tab.items.each( function (p){ if (p.closable)tab.remove(p); } }}